Missions Night

The first Wednesday of every month we have a church family potluck supper at 6:00 pm. After the meal, our missions groups meet at 7:00 pm. This time focuses on the missional impact we are having from local to around the world. This is done through updates from missionaries, prayer, and a missional focused devotional. Mission projects are planned or take place during the time together. A favorite is the first Wednesday of November when all the items collected for Operation Christmas Child are placed on tables in the fellowship hall where the entire church will pack shoe boxes.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry has a special place in our member’s heart to ministry to children around the world through a shoe box filled with love, notes, and items that are much needed for their day to day lives. 

We collect items throughout the year to fill 300 plus shoe boxes each year. We have exceeded our collection goal each year through love, faith and the God’s will. 

Drop Off Location

Our church is a drop- off site for all the churches and families in Robertson County.

Processing Center Trip

Every year we return to Atlanta to work in the Operation Christmas Child Processing Center.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

We’re excited to introduce Wendy Schussler as our new Vacation Bible School (VBS) Director at Ebenezer. VBS isn’t just a seasonal event; it’s a year-round commitment. Beyond impacting children, VBS also serves as a valuable experience for youth and adults alike. While daytime activities cater to children, evenings are dedicated to engaging youth and adults.

Local Missions
Homeless Children & Youth in Greenbrier

We are collecting the following items for the homeless children and youth in Greenbrier:

  • Individual food items
  • fruit cups
  • breakfast bars
  • macaroni and cheese

They do have access to a microwave, so individual nonperishable microwavable items are welcome. Please drop off the items at the church.

Open Door Pregnancy Center

We are collecting the following items for Open Door Pregnancy Center:

  • Wipes
  • Baby Wash
  • Baby Lotion

You can drop off the items at the church or at Open Door Pregnancy Center.

North American Mission Board

North American Mission Board (NAMB)

We corporate with NAMB to reach North America for Jesus. We do this by:

  • Sending money and people to participate to the NAMB.
  • Participating in trainings with NAMB.
  • Praying for NAMB missionaries.
International Missions
International Missions Board (IMB)

We corporate with the IMB to reach the nations for Jesus. We do this by:

  • Sending money to the IMB.
  • Participating in mission projects to help IMB missionaries.
  • Praying for IMB missionaries.
Non IMB Missionaries

We have several non-IMB missionaries that we pray for and support.