Nursery (Birth to 2 years)
Tammy Perko and Pam Orum teach our nursery. They have a lesson and activities for the babies and toddlers using The Gospel Project curriculum.
Preschool (2-5 years old)
Alexis Brown teaches the preschool Sunday School class. When she is absent, Wendy Schussler teaches. Alexis is studying to be a teacher at Austin Peay State University and has a passion for children. She uses the preschool version of The Gospel Project.
Children (1st-5th Grade)
Eva Martin teaches children in grades 1-3. She has taught a children’s class at Ebenezer for many years and enjoys seeing her former children be workers in the church as youth and adults. She uses the younger kids literature from The Gospel Project.
Check Out Our Mother and Son Nerf Night below!