Men’s Ministry

The men’s ministry meets the first Wednesday night of the month in the center classroom downstairs of the new building. The brotherhood director is Jeff DeLong. Jeff works to see that our boys and men grow in Christ and are mission minded. 

The president of Baptist Men, Jerry Henry and the vice president, Justin Waldrop, guide the mission focus of the men of the church. John Twist is the ministry project leader. Mission projects may be cleaning a yard for shut ins, building handicap ramps, repairing swing sets for kids.

Challengers (Grades 6-12)

Larry Cantrell is the Challenger leader. Larry gives a devotion that applies on what it means to be a man of God, teaches how to pray, and leads the young men to be on mission. 

Royal Ambassadors (RAs) (Grades 1-5)

The Royal Ambassador (RAs) Director is Joe Schussler. Joe teaches about life as a missionary by looking at missionary kids profiles and children from the Bible. He includes a game to tie it all together. The RAs go to Jamboree at Camp Linden every year. 

A highlight of the men’s ministry is RA’s through adults going to Dale Hollow Lake for a day of fellowship including fishing and swimming. They grill hamburgers and hotdogs and have a devotion. It is a great time for men to bond and boys and young men to see how Christian men interact.